
How To Set Up Facebook Automated Messaging

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If you've ever tried juggling flaming torches, while riding a unicycle, on the back of a unicorn--then you know the frustration of trying to keep up with all the messages in your Facebook Messenger inbox. All. the. messages. You want to respond, but you're so busy with other areas of your business. 

There is a solution where Facebook Messenger isn't a demanding beast that gobbles up all your time. Imagine instead waking up to find it has already answered customer queries, resolved issues with purchase history or credit card details, even booked appointments for you--all while you're spending time on the things that matter the most in your business.

You need Facebook automated messaging. And in this article, we'll show you how to use it to increase customer engagement and growth.

Understanding the Power of Facebook Automated Messaging

Automation is transforming how businesses communicate, and Facebook's automated messaging system sits at the heart of this change. This tool uses AI to send instant replies to customer queries, significantly improving response times.

With an efficient auto reply feature, Facebook Messenger allows you to engage with customers in real-time. It gives your business page a personal touch while enhancing your communication strategy. By enabling businesses to handle incoming messages effectively even during non-business hours, it provides excellent customer service round-the-clock.

We can all probably admit that we spend a little too much time on Facebook, am I right? But if you're in sales or running your business there, this fact isn't a bad one. In fact, around 20 billion messages are exchanged between businesses and users on Facebook Messenger each month.

That means your customers are hanging out on Facebook messenger and that it's worth your time to figure out how to use it for your advantage. 64% of people prefer to message rather than call a business, so it's one way to stay in communication and build trust with your customers. 

The Impact on Customer Experience and Business Productivity

What makes this social media tool so powerful? Well, first off, it saves significant amounts of time. Studies conducted on automation software efficiency found that businesses manage their Facebook Messenger 80% more effectively when they use automated responses.

But it's not just about increased productivity. It also directly improves the customer experience. A quick response rate from businesses has been shown to positively impact customer satisfaction levels. With quicker resolutions through immediate responses using AI-powered messaging tools like Facebook's auto-reply feature, customers feel more valued.

Knowing that you want your customers to feel valued, you may have hesitated on putting auto replies in place because you think they won't be able to handle the range of questions that you receive. However, automated messaging can respond to 80% of common questions instantly. That will relieve a big burden from your team while providing exactly the information your customers request. 

How To Set Up Facebook Automated Messaging

To start, go to your Meta Business Suite dashboard. Then, on the left, you'll see the link to your inbox. Click on it.

Next, while still in your inbox tab, click on "automations" at the top.

This will take you to a page for the types of messages you can send. Choose the type of message you want to set up.

Finally, you write the message. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

"It's also helpful to automate away messages, especially if your team isn't online around the clock. You can set schedules for these automated messages so they only send at times when your team isn't online. Consider adding useful resources to these messages so customers can get the answers they need or take the actions they want without having to wait for your team to return."
Anna Sonnenberg

Examples For Messages You Can Send

Now you have your automated messages set up to send--but what do you say. We got you covered. Here's some example templates you can use. Just change them to fit your brand and voice.

Template 1: General inquiry

"Hello and thank you for reaching out to [Your Business Name]! We appreciate your interest. Our team is currently offline, but we will get back to you as soon as possible. For immediate assistance, please visit our FAQ section on our website or call our support line at [Phone Number]."

Template 2: Customer issue

"Thank you for contacting [Your Business Name]. We're sorry to hear about your experience and take your feedback seriously. We're currently reviewing your concern and will get back to you within 24 hours with a resolution. Your patience is greatly appreciated."

Template 3: Out of office

"Thank you for your message. Our team is currently out of the office and will return on [Date]. We will address your query as soon as we're back. For urgent matters, please contact our emergency line at [Phone Number] or check our website for more information."

Template 4: Product/Service inquiry

"Hello! Thank you for your interest in our products at [Your Business Name]. We'd love to help you find what you're looking for. Please provide us with more details about the product you're interested in, and we'll get back to you with all the information you need!"

Template 5: Booking/Appointment request

"Thank you for choosing [Your Business Name] for your needs. To book an appointment, please visit our booking page on our website or leave your preferred date and time here, and we will confirm your appointment as soon as possible."

What Are The Benefits of Facebook Automated Messaging?

Fostering Positive Brand Image 

Personalized automated messages are not just about answering questions quickly; they also help establish your brand’s voice and personality. This personalized approach makes clients feel special and helps in building a strong relationship between them and your business.

Messenger auto replies, when used right, can easily set the tone for future communications with customers leaving them feeling connected despite being engaged through automation software.

Lead Generation

Did you know that automation could also play an integral role in generating leads? With features such as allowing users to book appointments or leave their phone number directly through messenger – potential clients get directed towards taking action without ever leaving Facebook.

Automated messaging on Facebook isn't just a social media tool, it's an essential asset for enhancing business growth. Remember to strike the right balance between automation and personalization to make the most of this communication tool.

Implementing Best Practices for Effective Automated Messaging

The key to successful use of Facebook automated messaging lies in striking the right balance between automation and personalization. This helps maintain a human touch while also making sure responses are timely and efficient.

Balancing Automation and Personalization

Utilizing automation for a large number of messages is essential, yet it's also important to keep up that individual relationship with your patrons. To achieve this balance, you need to be strategic about what you automate.

Start by automating answers to frequently asked questions. But remember, these responses should still sound natural--as if they're coming from a real person rather than an AI program. Using software like Magical can help streamline this process, letting businesses personalize their auto-replies effectively.

Incorporating best practices isn't just about enhancing efficiency. It’s also critical to maintain trust with your users. 

A Final Word

Facebook automated messaging can help you increase productivity, have a better relationship with your customers, and save you time--and do it all efficiently and simply. 

When you use a tool like Magical to create and store your message templates, it gets even easier. Magical is simple to use (just download it for your Chrome browser, it's free). In a few clicks, you're ready to go. The average Magical user saves 7 hours a week.

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