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McKesson Tips, Tricks, And Shortcuts To Unlock Efficiency

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Successfully navigating the healthcare supply chain can be challenging. So, finding McKesson tips, tricks, and shortcuts can be a game changer. You're in the right place.

We will go over ways to save money, get the medical supplies you need, and make the most out of McKesson's services. McKesson tips, tricks, and shortcuts can help healthcare professionals focus on what matters most – providing top-notch patient care. Let's go over these now.

Leveraging McKesson Technology for a More Efficient Supply Chain

McKesson is one of the largest distributors of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. They offer a range of services, including inventory management, pharmaceutical distribution, medical-surgical equipment, and technology solutions, among others.

It’s inefficient to manage your healthcare supply needs using a binder or jotting down notes. You might risk making mistakes or your primary employee in charge of ordering might call out sick, leaving you with unanswered questions.

Consider moving into the digital age with McKesson's tech solutions for supply chain management.

Streamline Your Inventory with McKesson SupplyManager℠

With an online platform like McKesson SupplyManagerSM, you can order your medical, lab, office, and janitorial supplies all from one location. This also helps you maintain a running total of inventory through an automatic replenishing system.

No more binders. Another plus is cost comparison and custom reports, all through McKesson’s SupplyManager. This creates standardization for your supply chain.

Scanning System for Healthcare Inventory Management

You may have many supply rooms throughout your building. That makes managing your inventory more tedious.

The good thing is you can use McKesson’s ScanManagerSM. This handheld scanner scans barcodes. Once scanned, the data is sent to the SupplyManager system to then order quickly.

Editor's Note: If you're a healthcare professional or just someone who loves doing more in less time, try the productivity tool Magical. Magical helps you eliminate repetitive typing tasks by creating keyboard shortcuts for your most used phrases and codes. You can also set up automations to transfer patient data between any two systems easily and safely.

Smart Financial Management with McKesson

McKesson doesn't only provide quality products. They also give you the right financial services to streamline accounting and create budget efficiencies. These financial resources can be real time-savers for busy practices.

Manage Finances and Invoicing

McKesson can assist you with capital medical equipment through its Financial Services option. Additionally, you can take advantage of their revenue cycle management and invoice management services. Learn about this and more, such as their real estate solutions, at McKesson’s Financial Services page.

McKesson's Distribution Services

You may be trying to keep track of multiple shipping details for several different types of items. Using one location to access all this information would make a difference in your workflow. Take advantage of McKesson’s distribution services.

McKesson makes it possible for practices of all sizes to find success. This means everything from drugs and vaccines to lab results and managing medical waste. You can check them out here on McKesson's distribution services page.

Explore Educational Opportunities with McKesson

It can be tough to keep up with everything happening in the healthcare industry. New treatments, tech advances and an evolving regulatory landscape are a lot to handle.

But what if there was a place where you could access insights and educational tools to stay ahead? The good news is, there is.

Enhance Knowledge and Stay Up to Date

McKesson offers various online resources for continuous learning and development in the healthcare sector. You can get updates about things such as flu management, antibiotic stewardship, and more, such as learning about reducing readmissions, at McKesson's Learning and Webinars. Through McKesson's educational resources, healthcare providers can continue to grow and change as needed.

McKesson Tips, Tricks, and shortcuts

If you need assistance, don't be afraid to contact McKesson's customer service. They are happy to guide you. Here is a list of important tips:

Navigation Tips & Shortcuts

Quick Menu Access: Use the "Ctrl + M" shortcut to quickly access the main menu from anywhere within McKesson’s system.  

Breadcrumb Navigation: Use the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page to move back or forth between previously visited screens without losing your place.

Favorites: Mark frequently used screens or reports as favorites by clicking the star icon, making them accessible from your dashboard for quick navigation.

Data Entry Efficiency

Auto-Fill Fields: Take advantage of the system’s auto-fill feature by typing the first few letters of a common entry, and McKesson will populate the rest based on your history.

Tab Through Fields: Use the "Tab" key to quickly move between data entry fields, avoiding the need to click with your mouse.

Copy and Paste Functionality: Use "Ctrl + C" to copy and "Ctrl + V" to paste patient or medication details across records to save time on redundant entries.

Search & Lookup Tips

Advanced Search Filters: When searching for a patient, medication, or order, utilize the advanced search filter to narrow down results by name, date, or type.

Wildcard Search: Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard in search queries if you’re unsure about the full name or detail.

Recently Accessed Items: In the search bar, you can view a list of recently accessed patients, medications, or orders, making it faster to return to commonly accessed records.

Reporting & Analytics

Custom Report Templates: Save your commonly used report formats as templates to quickly generate the same reports without reconfiguring the settings each time.

Scheduled Reports: Set up automated scheduling for reports you frequently run so they can be delivered to your inbox at set intervals (e.g., daily, weekly).

Export to Excel: For advanced data manipulation, export your reports directly to Excel by clicking the "Export" button, which supports easy data analysis.

Patient Management

Pre-Fill Patient History: Use the patient’s unique ID number to automatically pull up their history, prescriptions, and medical records, minimizing manual entry.

Alerts & Notifications: Set up alerts for patients who require specific attention, such as those on high-risk medications, to ensure timely interventions.

Patient Summary Overview: Use the "Patient Summary" screen for a quick, comprehensive overview of a patient’s medications, history, and upcoming appointments.

Medication Management

Drug Interaction Alerts: Pay attention to McKesson’s built-in drug interaction alerts that pop up when conflicting medications are prescribed. Customize these alerts to ensure they align with your practice needs.

Medication Templates: Create templates for frequently prescribed medication combinations to streamline the ordering process.

Formulary Lookup: Quickly search the formulary to check if a medication is covered by a patient's insurance plan and look up alternative drugs if needed.

Order Management

Bulk Order Entry: Use the bulk order feature to place multiple medication orders or patient appointments simultaneously, reducing repetitive tasks.

Order Status Tracking: Monitor the status of orders in real-time by setting up notifications for when orders are processed, shipped, or delayed.

Order Refill Alerts: Enable refill alerts for patients who frequently require prescription renewals to ensure timely medication delivery and continuity of care.

System Customization

User Preferences: Customize your user profile by setting preferences for default views, favorite tools, and frequently used report formats.

Role-Based Access: Leverage role-based settings to ensure that users only access the tools and reports necessary for their responsibilities, improving system security and efficiency.

Dashboards: Configure your dashboard to display key metrics, frequently accessed reports, or high-priority patient information for an at-a-glance view of your day.

A Final Word

Effectively streamlining operations, improving patient care, and keeping costs under control in healthcare calls for innovative solutions. This is where McKesson steps in. McKesson tips, tricks, and shortcuts combined with the valuable resources from McKesson can go a long way. It's a team effort. Using what McKesson has to offer gives healthcare professionals more time to focus on their passion—helping their patients feel better.

If you're part of a healthcare admin team and want to know how to manage patient data more efficiently, try Magical. Magical is used at more than 50,000 companies like United Healthcare, Dignity Health, and Zoomcare to save 7 hours a week on their repetitive tasks.

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