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Achieving Success With 5 Revenue Cycle Management Benchmarks

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The healthcare industry thrives on providing exceptional patient care. What good is offering top-notch medical services if your finances are in disarray? This is where having clear, measurable revenue cycle management benchmarks come into play.

They're not just about crunching numbers; they're about ensuring the lifeblood of your practice – steady revenue – flows smoothly so you can focus on what really matters: your patients. Imagine every insurance claim is squeaky clean and processed without a hitch, patient payments are collected on time, and your bottom line reflects the incredible work you do every day.

That's the potential power of truly understanding and using revenue cycle management benchmarks. Let’s explore how to use data-driven insights to elevate your healthcare organization's revenue cycle management benchmarks and improve your net collection rate.

Unveiling 5 Key Revenue Cycle Management Benchmarks: Your Guide to Financial Wellness

Before we can address any potential problems, we need to first establish a clear understanding of what ideal financial performance looks like. Just like a doctor relies on vital signs to gauge a patient’s health, healthcare providers must track and analyze specific revenue cycle management benchmarks. These benchmarks reveal the true health of their revenue cycle and should be used in all physician practices.

Benchmark #1: Mastering Your A/R: A Deep Dive into Net Days in Accounts Receivable

Net days in accounts receivable (A/R) is a fundamental metric. It indicates the average time it takes to receive payment for services rendered.  

A high net A/R days figure indicates possible bottlenecks within your revenue cycle. This affects cash flow and potentially hints at larger operational issues that impact a healthy revenue cycle.

So how do we untangle this metric? The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) defines it as the division of net A/R by average daily net patient service revenue.  Let's break down how to actually find this data.

Determining Net A/R

To determine your net A/R, gather data from your balance sheet. Subtract credit balances, allowances for uncollectible accounts, charity care discounts, and contractual allowances.

Once you have this information, the next step is to calculate the average daily net patient service revenue. This is essentially a measure of daily earnings.

Take your organization’s income statement and calculate the average over the three most recent months. Remember this number does not include contractual allowances, charity care, or doubtful accounts. It is calculated from the gross patient service revenue.  

Having established both components, divide net A/R by the average daily revenue for a clearer picture of your financial standing. Consider looking at revenue cycle KPIs to get an even better understanding of your revenue cycle.

How To Determine If A/R Days Are Healthy

But how do you determine if your A/R days are healthy? Well, aim for fewer days – ideally between 30 to 40. Anything over 50 days warrants a closer examination of your billing process.

For additional context, look at A/R aging. If more than 10% of your A/R is over 90 days, with self-pay portions exceeding 30%, you have some work to do. Addressing potential issues early ensures efficient payment collections.

Benchmark #2: Clean Claim Rate: Smooth Sailing Through the Payment Process

Navigating insurance claims can sometimes feel like a tedious game. Achieving a stellar clean claim rate can drastically simplify things. This KPI reflects how well your team manages patient data and bills correctly.

It’s simple – the higher the rate, the less likely your claims are to get caught in the denial Bermuda Triangle and become bad debt.

What’s an ideal number to strive for? Most healthcare professionals will tell you a rate above 90% is excellent, with some aiming for the industry standard of 95%. This ensures faster payment processing.

A low clean claim rate can lead to disruptions, rework for staff, and delayed reimbursements. Analyzing this KPI helps uncover potential issues – be it incomplete patient information or improper coding. Rectifying them streamlines your entire revenue process.

Benchmark #3: Cost to Collect: Maintaining Efficiency in Revenue Generation

Keeping a tab on the cost to collect ensures your hard-earned revenue doesn't get eaten away by administrative burdens. This key performance indicator gives a clear view of your practice's efficiency. The calculation involves dividing total revenue cycle costs by total patient service cash collected.

According to industry standards, healthcare organizations should aim for a cost to collect ranging between 2% to 4% of net patient revenue. This essentially ensures profitability by not letting administrative costs spiral out of control.

Now, the industry median stands at 3%, demonstrating that efficiently managing your revenue cycle can boost your bottom line. By strategically streamlining workflows and leveraging technological advancements you can prevent this cost from impacting your bottom line and prevent revenue leakage.

Benchmark #4: Cash Collection Rate: The Heartbeat of Your Healthcare Finances

The cash collection rate, often overlooked but incredibly vital, offers a look at your organization's ability to convert services rendered into actual cash – the fuel that powers your healthcare operations.

Think of it as the financial equivalent of taking your pulse. Ideally, this KPI should be close to 100%.  According to Becker’s ASC Review, providers should be targeting 100% of the monthly average net revenue for the preceding three months.

Any dip below the 95% mark can potentially signal underlying issues in the revenue stream and warrant investigation. Healthcare revenue cycle management is complex, which is why focusing on KPIs is important.

Benchmark #5: Denial Rate: Tackling the Unwanted Guest at the Revenue Cycle Party

Denials – the bane of every healthcare provider's existence, right? These rejected claims disrupt your revenue cycle's smooth flow and can spiral into a chaotic mess if left unchecked.

This is why a keen understanding of your denial rate is essential. They are extremely important for a medical practice or physician practice to track.

Generally, the industry experiences denial rates hovering between 5% and 10%. But the truly proactive providers know that a rate under 5% is the gold standard. Remember, each denied claim isn't just a rejected payment, but an invitation to introspectively examine and refine your internal processes.

Understand Why Denials Happen

Regular audits of your denials – what went wrong, which payer is involved, what specific service codes are causing issues – will provide a roadmap to improved revenue cycle management benchmarks and smoother operations for your organization.

Imagine a scenario where a particular service or procedure frequently faces denials from a specific insurer. Instead of viewing it as a recurring annoyance, treat it as an opportunity. By pinpointing the source, you can implement changes to your pre-authorization procedures or educate staff on accurate coding, ensuring a higher claim acceptance rate moving forward.

Editor's Note: One of the most common reasons for claim denials is inaccurate data entry. This is one of the issues solved with the free Magical Chrome extension. Magical helps healthcare admin staff eliminate repetitive typing tasks like data entry, patient record updating, and transferring patient data between systems.

You can create keyboard shortcuts for your most common billing codes and store them in Magical securely and call them up with one click. No more copying and pasting!

Boost Your Revenue Cycle Management

These benchmarks are just the tip of the iceberg; a well-structured approach toward managing revenue is what truly makes a difference. A robust understanding of revenue cycle management benchmarks empowers healthcare organizations to take charge of their financial health. With consistent monitoring, strategic implementations, and proactive approaches toward streamlining workflows, achieving a healthy financial rhythm for your practice is entirely within reach.

Magical helps healthcare admin teams reduce errors from repetitive typing, saving them 7 hours a week (on average). Magical is used (and loved) at more than 50,000 companies like Optum, Dignity Health, and Plume. Try it for your team today!

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