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Exploring RPA Use Cases In Healthcare For Better Efficiency

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There’s a ton of hype about RPA use cases in healthcare right now. But amidst all the excitement, you might be thinking, “Where do I even start?” or "What does this really mean for my team's day-to-day work?".

It’s natural to feel a little lost, especially if you’re trying to wrap your head around what those RPA use cases in healthcare really look like. This blog will help you understand where to use RPA to make you and your healthcare admin team more efficient.

The Benefits of RPA in Healthcare: Why It Matters

It's no secret the healthcare industry deals with mountains of paperwork, complex regulations, and a growing volume of data. Finding smart ways to streamline processes and work smarter, not harder, is essential.

This is where RPA shines, freeing up healthcare professionals from tedious administrative tasks, like data entry, appointment scheduling, and billing processes. RPA allows them to dedicate more time to patient care. Think what you could do with those extra hours.

A study from McKinsey highlights that in most professions, including healthcare, up to 30% of tasks can be automated. This opens up a world of possibilities for increased operational efficiency, reduced errors, and improved job satisfaction.

This is no small feat, as research indicates the healthcare industry spends $2.1 billion each year on inefficient, error-prone manual data management tasks. It's mind-blowing how much money is lost to inefficient processes.

Boosting Accuracy, Security, and Patient Care

The benefits of RPA use cases in healthcare go beyond just saving time. RPA brings precision to the table, meaning fewer errors in billing, revenue cycle management, and even patient records. Imagine having accurate data that is consistently updated and readily available.

This creates a seamless and more reliable system for everyone involved, especially patients. Patients have a right to expect their personal information will be protected with data security, especially with the alarming rise of cyberattacks in healthcare.

Robust cybersecurity, a core benefit of RPA solutions implementation, is extremely important to healthcare organizations that have dealt with the consequences of data breaches firsthand.

Back in 2018, the NHS faced an estimated £92 million loss due to the WannaCry ransomware attack. It’s a stark reminder of how vulnerable healthcare systems can be and how much damage can be caused. RPA acts as a safeguard for valuable patient data, ensuring healthcare providers meet regulatory requirements.

7 RPA Use Cases in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Operations

Let's explore some practical ways to incorporate technology into business workflows with a real-world view of how RPA is transforming healthcare operations. These seven key use cases demonstrate the power and impact of RPA use cases in healthcare and provide specific, concrete ways RPA is being leveraged to improve healthcare today.

1. Optimizing Claims Processing: Faster Turnarounds, Reduced Costs

Many healthcare organizations face major pain points in processing health insurance claims. Dealing with claims can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to delays, denials, and a backlog of paperwork. It's a prime area where healthcare RPA can make a significant difference.

With RPA, it takes 12 seconds for software robots to verify the status of a health insurance claim, while a human needs 85 seconds to complete the same task. This isn't just about efficiency - it also has a huge financial impact.

Up to 25% of claim denials occur because of errors like missing information or eligibility issues. The cost per claim can average around $118. RPA tackles these inefficiencies by streamlining data input, validating information, and automating repetitive processes, drastically reducing unnecessary delays, costs, and rejections

Automation tools like Magical are helping healthcare admin teams significantly reduce errors from typing mistakes.

2. Streamlining Appointment Scheduling: Improving Efficiency and Patient Experience

Scheduling appointments in healthcare often feels clunky and inefficient. Both patients and staff have to grapple with back-and-forth calls, multiple emails, and the potential for human error. This not only makes things frustrating but also causes bottlenecks.

One successful example of an RPA use case in healthcare comes from the East Lancashire NHS Trust, a UK-based hospital. By using RPA to manage its average monthly intake of 15,000 patient referrals, the hospital now saves around 83,600 sheets of paper. Not only are there huge cost savings, but this also saves time.

RPA solutions can seamlessly handle incoming appointment requests, analyze staff availability, offer convenient time slots to patients, and automatically confirm appointments via various channels. Healthcare organizations can then focus their resources on more critical tasks while also improving patient satisfaction, a powerful combination.

3. Managing Electronic Health Records: Achieving Seamless Data Integration

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized patient care, but they come with new challenges. EHR systems often struggle with a lack of interoperability and consistency. Managing all of this critical data in a unified manner can be challenging, making access, analysis, and data exchange problematic.

RPA in healthcare allows for the automation of medical data extraction and input across different departments and databases. This results in streamlined processes for recording patient details, merging records, sharing relevant data with other departments and partners, and tracking disease codes.

Being able to efficiently handle these crucial functions without overloading staff ensures critical information is available when and where it’s needed. That’s the kind of smooth operation RPA makes possible.

4. Automating Asset Management: Locating and Managing Resources Effortlessly

Misplaced or malfunctioning equipment can significantly disrupt healthcare operations, costing time and jeopardizing patient safety, as seen during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses, in some cases, spent an average of 6,000 hours monthly simply locating critical equipment, an alarming statistic, but RPA provides a solution.

Imagine being able to instantly locate essential assets, automatically generate replacement requests, and effortlessly update equipment status records in real-time using a Robotic Process Automation platform. This would be a game-changer for many hospitals.

Healthcare providers can streamline how they schedule and book appointments using a process automation workflow for asset management. Using the technology, they can monitor their supplies automatically. This keeps them one step ahead in predicting demand surges, anticipating maintenance requirements, and streamlining procurement, guaranteeing hospitals have what they need when they need it.

5. Transforming Post-Discharge Patient Management: Extending Care Beyond Hospital Walls

Imagine discharged patients who don't fall through the cracks. They can easily access post-care resources and receive support even when they’re back at home.

Healthcare providers are exploring new opportunities with RPA-driven post-discharge management. These processes can include tasks such as:

  • Sending personalized reminders for medication schedules and upcoming appointments.
  • Providing instructions for self-monitoring health vitals.
  • Collecting vital data through wearables.
  • Delivering health information via user-friendly apps and personalized messaging.
  • Alerting clinicians when unexpected changes in a patient’s health require prompt intervention.

With RPA-enabled smartphone apps like the one created by Telus and Babylon Health, which is transforming telehealth service delivery, RPA use cases in healthcare will play an increasingly crucial role in keeping patients safe and on the path to full recovery. The power of digital technologies to connect and guide patient experiences in this way has profound implications for the future of healthcare.

6. Enabling Personalized Healthcare with Intelligent Data Analysis

Gathering information is one thing. What if healthcare systems could efficiently harness patient data to unlock individualized treatment and proactive interventions?

Integrating AI into RPA use cases in healthcare helps providers process patient data from medical records, online checkups, test results, and even wearable tech. Think of all the ways this can optimize patient experiences and proactively guide preventative care, including:

  • Identifying patients who require targeted medical interventions.
  • Assessing disease patterns and health trends within populations to tailor healthcare programs.
  • Developing new ways to treat common conditions based on massive datasets from a wider variety of sources.

One powerful example that blends RPA and Robotic Process Automation is e-learning portals. For example, one major insurer in Japan discovered the best way to improve efficiencies was to give more control to individual team members. They leveraged an RPA platform for internal training initiatives and made RPA tools readily available to team members.

This simple but effective initiative led to a projected 350% increase in certifications by individuals within their organization and $1.4 million saved annually on training costs. Teams feel confident and empowered to independently hone their skills using intelligent Robotic Process Automation. This doesn’t just benefit individual workers; it creates a dynamic and proactive learning environment.

7. Eliminating Human Error and Fighting Fraud

In 2021, 67% of respondents in a survey confirmed that certain departments within their healthcare organizations still rely heavily on paper records. This dependence on outdated practices opens healthcare organizations up to errors, costly rework, and compliance risks. Imagine if that data input was automated and streamlined.

RPA can significantly enhance quality and accuracy. For example, physician-owned US Acute Care Solutions integrated an RPA-based system to manage 20 million patient records annually. They saved over 100,000 hours in labor while also enhancing accuracy, a powerful cost-saving measure that increased employee efficiency without requiring major staff expansion.

Given that the US Center for Elder Justice estimates that Medicare loses $60B annually to errors, fraud, and abuse, RPA is one powerful tool to combat this huge problem. The future of healthcare depends on leveraging tools like this to combat fraud and abuse.

Editor's Note: One of the automation tools more and more healthcare admin teams are turning to eliminate repetitive tasks is Magical. Magical helps with repetitive admin tasks like data entry, auto-filling forms, and transferring patient data between systems. It never stores any patient data so it's completely secure to use.

The Future of RPA in Healthcare: From Cost Savings to Optimized Health

Looking ahead, it's clear that Gartner's prediction that 50% of US healthcare providers will have invested in RPA in the next three years will become a reality.

A major benefit of RPA implementation highlighted by a Deloitte survey is that companies can see a high ROI due to its cost-effectiveness. This technology can improve compliance, enhance data accuracy, and boost productivity.

RPA, along with other automation technologies, offers cost savings. More than that, these emerging tools are already improving the day-to-day experiences of patients and healthcare staff.

In the future, RPA promises to streamline, secure, and even personalize healthcare systems across a wide range of applications. From Healthcare Industry record management and claims processing to post-care guidance, RPA use cases in healthcare offer one important way to work smarter.

RPA Makes Healthcare Admin Teams More Efficient Than Ever

RPA use cases in healthcare isn't about robots taking over. It's about how intelligent automation can free up time, reduce errors, and improve patient care. With the smart and ethical integration of automation tools, RPA can optimize how healthcare operations work.

Think how amazing it will be to provide patients with a more seamless experience. This frees healthcare workers from inefficient manual tasks, allowing them to spend more time connecting with patients. RPA is really about creating a system that puts people at the heart of it.

When you are embracing the use of new automation tools, try the tool that more than 50,000 companies like United Healthcare, Optum, and Dignity Health use, Magical. Healthcare admin companies save 7 hours a week on average on their repetitive tasks.

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