Magical vs. MuleSoft

MuleSoft is a popular enterprise iPaaS solution well-known for its all-in-one platform. But is Magical a better alternative if you’re looking to automate data entry workflows?
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Key Features

  • All-in-one platform with API management, design, and dev tools
  • Drag-and-drop functionality for building integrations
  • Use pre-built connectors for quick integrations with some systems
  • Query and transform data across various formats and sources


  • Automates data entry tasks—even between websites and apps the competitor can’t connect
  • Easy to use, even if you’re not tech savvy
  • Doesn’t require any admin privileges or IT approval to use
  • Securely transfer data without it ever leaving your computer
  • Automations do not require a “human in the loop” once set up
  • Seamless integrations of various applications, systems, and data sources
  • Plug-and-play architecture offers versatility and adaptability


  • Only works in Chrome, Edge, and Slack
  • Automations require “human in the loop”
  • Doesn’t easily work on apps or websites without pre-built connectors
  • The Anypoint Platform can be challenging for new users to master
  • High cost for implementation and maintenance


  • Affordable pricing options for every company size. See pricing.
  • Enterprise: $80,000 per year for smaller implementations

Why choose Magical over other RPA tools?

See why 700,000+ users at 50,000+ companies use Magical to automate their data entry tasks.
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iPaaS Solutions
Set-Up Time
1 hour
3+ days
Low Maintenance
Requires little to no ongoing technical maintenance.
Requires technical skill to set up and maintain.
No-Build Automations
Forget coding, help docs, or complex workflow builders. Magical’s AI-powered, no-build solution automates tasks as you work.
Manage Teams
Create teams to share automations with specific users.
App Integrations
Connect any two sites on the web. No implementation or API required.
Only works with 6,000 apps
Automation Visualizer
Visualize and build your own custom automations.
Enterprise-grade security and governance
Get custom security assessments and advanced AI controls.
Personalization Actions
Automatically fill placeholders in your templates using data from any site.
Transfer Actions
Move information from any website to a spreadsheet or web app.
Transfer from Custom Sites
Use info on custom websites in your workflows, without building integrations.
PDF Extraction Actions
Extract specific data from a PDF to use in automations. (Coming soon.)
Transform Actions
Use info on custom websites in your workflows, without building integrations.
Template Actions
Use templates anywhere to send messages or expand text.
AI Actions
Generate messages or text anywhere with AI Assist and AI Reply.
Enrichment Actions
Enrich the info you use in your automations.

How Magical works

Ambient learning

Magical uses machine learning and AI to understand user activity, an individual’s or an entire company’s, and creates one-click automations to help the user complete the task in the future.

Self-serve automation

Users can easily create one-click automations between any app—no code required. No more switching between all your tabs and boring repetitive work, we’ll do them for you.

Built for enterprise scale

Our local and no-code approach to automation helps maintain the highest levels of security and privacy for you and your team.

Secure | SAML SSO | SOC2 Type II | AI Controls

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Why Users Prefer Magical to Other RPA Tools

Physicians and nurses love efficient data entry

TCPA uses Magical to streamline EMR data entry.

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WebPT therapists save time with Magical

WebPT uses Magical to provide exceptional patient experience.

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Magical love from our magicians

“Magical saves me a minimum of 30 minutes a day. And if I’m able to get even 10% more done in that time… that’s a huge gain.”
Magical has made updating my medical records take a fraction of the time.
Zeyla B.
Physical Therapist @ Therapydia
I have tried several apps and extensions but nothing has been this effective and worked so seamlessly.
Mohammad A., MD
Physician @ Digital Nomad Health
We save 10 hours per week using Magical to speed up auto completion of forms and records in our patient lab portal.
Eric B.
Business Ops @ Rupa Health

Ready to put Magical automations to the test?