Add all Open House Invitation shortcuts!

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new shortcuts.



The smartest way

to work on the web

Start saving 2 hr/week with shortcuts that expand what you type. Get started in seconds.

Demonstration of shortcuts. //brb-> be right back. //zoom-> zoom. //outreach -> Hi <Alex>, I'd like to learn about your experience at <Disney>.

❤️ Loved by 200,000+ people globally, on teams like

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Magical app UI illustration. Shows tags, and sharing with teammates.

Powerful features

to get work done, together

checkmark icon
Format your shortcuts with ease
checkmark icon
Share shortcuts with your team
checkmark icon
Tag shortcuts to quickly find them

Search your shortcuts

anywhere you work

Can't remember your shortcuts? No problem. Type // anywhere to get all your shortcuts at your fingertips.
Illustration of using search to find Magical shortcuts in any website's input.
Screenshot of Magical app expanding text in Gmail app.

Built with privacy

in mind

We take privacy seriously. Magical does not collect or store your keystrokes. Get confidence and peace of mind when you use Magical.

Works everywhere

you already work

Used on 10,000+ websites so you stay productive anywhere on the internet.
App works in Hubspot, Workday, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Outlook, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Salesloft, and Bullhorn. Any CRM, ATS, spreadsheet, or email client.
Illustration of desktop and laptop computers.

Only on desktop

We’ll email you this link to open on your desktop. ✉️💨

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